Today was Lauren's b-day. One of the one's I babysit. So, her momma brought cupcakes. So of course we had to take pictures. Then, each child had to have a candle in their cupcake. It is so cute that they are friends and they are so little. Raylan and Zoe actually play together on purpose. Its so cute. They get their little purses and walk around together and they give each other high 5's.
I took a birthday picture of Lauren. Two years old today. Gabriel and Zoe had to have theirs done too.
I had a busy day. I painted two name plaques. Well one was actually a bow holder for Lauren. I baked a cake for Bunko tonight.(a totally awesome game. I'll blog about it later) Edited pics and printed them out for the mom's. Did a load of dishes, took a bath, had two small birthday parties(breakfast and snack time. All this with 5 kids running around my house. Thats about all.
very cool.
not bad.
what happened to the other one?
yeah! its much better,
im here because of few cents for you. just dropping by.
im here because of few cents for you. just dropping by.
Dude! I think your blog's being spammed :( :(
Great pics!
Beautiful pictures!
Beautiful family!
May God Bless your Sunday!
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