Ok, this post was inspired by rubyellen. I was reading a bit of her blog and I was intrigued by her children's names.
I had a former post about names that i went back and read. You can click here to read it.
My children are Gabriel Evertt Chi and Zoe Christabelle.
Gabriel's full name means God's Strong Anointed Man.
Zoe's full name means Beautiful Anointed Life.
We choose their names because of their meaning. I believe that God did the same thing when he renamed Abram to Abraham, Jacob to Isreal. And many others that he chose to give new names. God's word is very clear to say that the words we speak can either come as life or death. We should never speak negative things. Always speak life. I catch myself saying "I think my children are getting sick". Right there i'm am agreeing with the enemy and not with God. God says he took stripes on his back for our sickness and if i disagree with God, then my children probally will end up sick. But anyway, back to names.
I love the thought of having the different forms of christ in my children's names because Christ means annointed. I used Chi for Gabe and Christabelle for Zoe. I'm still searching for more names to use for my upcoming children's middle or first names. Not that i'm pregnant or plan to be in the next 2 to 3 years, but thats just something i'm always searching for. I think I like Christianna. Not quite sure yet. I'm still stuck on using Chi for my next boy because I cant find anything that i trully love.
Also, I really like two name first names. Such as, Ella Grace or Lilla Kate for girls. I dont have many suggestions for 2NFN for boys. I do know a boy that is called Robert Allen.
So thats what kind of suggestions i'm looking for from anyone. Chi names and 2NFN. Thanks.
A blog about a mommy in Louisiana. Cajunizing three little ones.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Tag You're It
Here is how you play: 1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog. 2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird. 3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs. 4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
1*I have had a crick in my neck for the past 4 days.
2* When i fix myself a coke i must have it 3/4 of the way full of ice and then i have to pour the coke very slowly so i dont lose all the spice!!
3* I love to eat chocolate with coke.
4* I like to eat with small forks. Like not a dinner fork. A salad one.
5* I hate when my panties ride up. LOL Who doesn't
6* I changed 6 dirty diapers today.
7* I love love love flip flops.
I don't have anyone to tag. Everyone that reads my blog has already done this.
1*I have had a crick in my neck for the past 4 days.
2* When i fix myself a coke i must have it 3/4 of the way full of ice and then i have to pour the coke very slowly so i dont lose all the spice!!
3* I love to eat chocolate with coke.
4* I like to eat with small forks. Like not a dinner fork. A salad one.
5* I hate when my panties ride up. LOL Who doesn't
6* I changed 6 dirty diapers today.
7* I love love love flip flops.
I don't have anyone to tag. Everyone that reads my blog has already done this.
Baby Jesus and the Leatherback Turtle
Okay, so i'm sure you wondering what the heck i'm blogging about here. But its hilarious. My son has been very interested in Bible stories lately and we told him the story about Mary being the mother of Baby Jesus. Well, my mom bought him some bible figurines from the dollar store. He has Mary, Moses, and Noah. He decided to take a bath with them the last two nights.
Also, Gabriel has been very intrigued by Diego from Nick, Jr. And we have the episode of Diego saves the leatherback sea turtle recorded so he has watched it several times. So, tonight while he was bathing he asked for mary and then when i put all his other bath toys in there was a baby and i told him that it was baby Jesus. Later, he asked for his turtle. And I brought it to him. Then, I returned later to find Baby Jesus riding on the back of the turtle all over the tub. He told me so calmly that baby jesus was riding on the turtle. It was so cute.
Also, Gabriel has been very intrigued by Diego from Nick, Jr. And we have the episode of Diego saves the leatherback sea turtle recorded so he has watched it several times. So, tonight while he was bathing he asked for mary and then when i put all his other bath toys in there was a baby and i told him that it was baby Jesus. Later, he asked for his turtle. And I brought it to him. Then, I returned later to find Baby Jesus riding on the back of the turtle all over the tub. He told me so calmly that baby jesus was riding on the turtle. It was so cute.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Because I am home alone for the first time in years.
I am....bored
I want...hang out with my BFFs
I have....an adorable family
I keep...forgetting about this blog. Lol
I wish I could...live closer to friends and family
I hate....HURRICANES!!!!!
I fear....God
I hear....dogs barking outside
I don't think....I take enough pictures
I regret....not asking for more blond in my hair last time i got it done.
I love....playing with my hubby and children
I am not....thinking of an answer to put here.
I dance....with my children
I sing....praise to my God
I never....drink nasty beer
I rarely...am home alone
I cry when I watch....God move on others
I am not always....as encouraging as i should be.
I hate that...bad things happen to good people.
I'm confused about...nothing.
I need....to open a daycare center
I should...eat healthier
I want...hang out with my BFFs
I have....an adorable family
I keep...forgetting about this blog. Lol
I wish I could...live closer to friends and family
I hate....HURRICANES!!!!!
I fear....God
I hear....dogs barking outside
I don't think....I take enough pictures
I regret....not asking for more blond in my hair last time i got it done.
I love....playing with my hubby and children
I am not....thinking of an answer to put here.
I dance....with my children
I sing....praise to my God
I never....drink nasty beer
I rarely...am home alone
I cry when I watch....God move on others
I am not always....as encouraging as i should be.
I hate that...bad things happen to good people.
I'm confused about...nothing.
I need....to open a daycare center
I should...eat healthier
Game Face!!
Last night we went to a high school football game. Gabriel loves to watch football, well any kind of ball game really. Zoe likes to watch the cheerleaders. So, I decked them out in their LSU Tiger outfits and painted their faces. Gabriel wanted to bring his glove, his helment, his football, and his baseball. He kinda mixes them all up. They had a blast of course. Gabe kept saying that he wanted to go down there and play too. Zoe cheered and clapped.

When we got home I told Gabriel to put his GameFace on. I showed him how to "Grrrr" like a football player.

They both got footballs at the game and Gabriel can throw his very well.
Today they are off to yet another game. They went to Summer and Erin's Soccer game. They love it.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Time to Resurrect!!
Its been like forever. My babies are growing and we are so busy, i just forgot about this blog.
But here we go!!!
These are some new matching outfits i bought for Gabriel and Zoe. 
They so should've been twins. They are both 24 lbs. and Gabriel is only about an inch taller than Zoe. She is catching up with him in talking. She is such a copy cat. She does whatever he does. The other day they were in the nursery at church and Zoe was on a horse that Gabe wanted to be on. So, Gabriel being as bright as he is, went and climbed on a chair knowing that Zoe would follow. Sure enough, she did. So Gabriel seized that oppurtunity to get on the horse. I didnt know whether to call him smart or decietful.
Zoe is starting to potty train with Gabriel. He is not too interested in it. He tells me when he goes in his diaper and she has caught on. Several times she has told me she had to poo poo and she really does it. Go, ZOE!!!
Gabriel is so into bible stories right now. And he remembers a lot about every story. He knows the names of the three Hebrew boys, Shaddrach, Meshach, and Abendego. He knows the story of Jonah the best. He also loves Daniel and the lions den, David and Goliath, Mary and the angel Gabriel, Moses and the burning bush, Noah and the Ark. And he remembers something about all of these. Can you say WOW. Wow. Thats what i say all the time. He amazes me.
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