And Zoe didnt mind. She hardly ever does, unless real pain comes along. To bad that they were sitting in an ugly spiderman chair. I guess i can black and white the pic to make it cuter. Then, when Gabe was finished he politely started pushing her off and went off to play.
These two are so sweet together! That was too funny how you said that Gabe "politely pushed" Zoe off him when he was done giving her some brotherly affection. Hee hee. Hope Zoe didn't mind too much!
She never minds Gabriel. She just takes it all from him. She hardly ever crys when he loves on her. Even when he points out her eyes.
they are soooo cute! I love how bagriel is sooo sweet to his sissy!! and she is like w/e! haha I love your kids soooo much! they look adorable and I will make sure my mom sees gabe's little outfit!
ok I know his name isnt bagriel...theres a new name for your next kid!! haha i'm a loser...
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