Friday, June 1, 2007

New Name

Not that there is talk of another child or anything. But just in case I must have a name ready. I'm liking the name Lilla Kate. Both names mean Pure. Lilla comes from lily (the flower). A lily is the symbol of purity and Kate comes from Katherine which also means pure. I dont know about a boy name though. Been searching. Started liking Shiloh but Joel said that that something bad happened there in biblical times. I do like solomon though. That means peace. And i like Jesse and that means Gift. Really like Benjamin but i have a cousin name that. But he doesn't live around me. Just some thoughts.

But i'm also thinking that both my children have a root of christ in thier middle name. Chirst means annointed. So should that be a theme with my children? Use other names with christ in it for middle names. Like christopher, christian, christa, etc.



Ruth! said...

wow! gabe and zoe do both have "christ" names...I think it would be cute to have a theme going...but if you have your 8 kids you might run out of names...but i'm sure you have backup right? ;-)

Charin Adams said...

You're sure ya'll aren't planning a 3rd anytime soon?? :) :)
Kevin and I had talked about Benjamin and Christian if we had/have a son. Especially Benjamin.
But he ruled out my fave, Lance Nicholas. :( I love those names!

Erika said...

Yeah - are you sure there isn't a 3rd baby planned already!? :) I really like the name Lilla Kate, very sweet. I'm with you on lovin' the name Benjamin, too, but it is quite popular, around here at least. Names are fun.

Anonymous said...

Benjiman was my dads name and that is who he was named after my middle child in case you thought it was cap.