Monday, March 14, 2011

The Friendly, Yet Hungry Giant

Once upon a time there were some beautiful princesses that lived in a pretty pink castle on top of a mountain. The castle was made out of brownies with pink frosting. It was adorned with gum drops and lollipops and sweets of all sorts. At the bottom of the mountain, there lived a giant that loved to eat!!!

One day he made his way up the mountain and he was intrigued by the sparkly castle. As he got closer he was greeted with a sumptuous smell. It made his tummy happy. The princesses hoped that the giant was friendly. And he was a friendly giant. He waved at the princesses and then began eating the door of the castle. He was friendly and hungry.


Jessica said...

Awwww!! =)

Charin Adams said...

:) He's an adorable giant!! haha
Colin had that same outfit.