Joel and I went to an AWESOME conference in Baton Rouge at Bethany World Prayer Center. It was the Deluge 6 conference. They have an awesome worhip team. It was full of God's presence. The preaching was awesome. The worship was awesome. It was really great. But where was I?? Outside on the playground with my loud ones.

Zoe looks bigger in these pictures. But they are actually the same size but the way the sun was shining and the way that they were standing it makes her look huge and him tiny

They weren't being really bad or anything. They were just being kids. And you try to get a 2 and 3 yr old to sit down quietly for 3 hours straight. (we had to be there way early because of the traffic and tons of people). And you know how it is when you are sitting by people you dont know, my kids weren't bothering me but they may have been bothering those sitting around us.
I had brought a ton of things for them to do, coloring books, blocks, snacks, barbies, books, etc. And it worked but they went through it all in like 25 minutes. Soooo, instead Joel got his cup filled and I got great pictures.

Making Louisiana Snow Angels.

That is a LONG time to even dream of them to sit there. One day they'll be older and you can sit thru all the conferences you want to. :)
I know exactly how that feels, to have to leave a really great conference that you felt like was going to refresh you because your kids didn't feel like they needed it as badly as you did. :) But, I never had my camera with me. :) I LOVE the shadow pics, and the snow angels. That is too cute for Louisiana Snow Angels. :) At least you made the most of it, and let's see if Joel shares what he gained with as many people as you will on your blog. LOL
Awww....I've been there**done that** too{not necessarily at a conference but at church} when my children were small and my husband would leave there saying "that was an awesome service wasn't it?" and I would leave there thinking **why did I even bother coming** and saying" I wouldn't know....I didn't get to hear the sermon"!{in a semi-nice as you can be in a situation like that kind of voice } :) It will get better as they get bigger, or at least it did for me!
At least you got some Q-T pie pictures!
I so hear you, we don't have childcare since our group is so small, so I never get to hear anything. lol!
But they won't always be this little :) Cute pics!
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your kids are so nice
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