I know! Its been FOR-EVER!! Sorry. I had family over, youth trips, and barbeque. Then i have two cuties in diapers. Forgive me.
They are certainly getting bigger and better. Gabe is becoming a little man!
He is still sweet and very well behaved (i have to brag). He goes to his room when he is punished and he knows not to come out till he is done crying. Its so cute and sad at the same time. But he listens and i'm proud of him. I pray Zoe comes along just as mannered. I'm sure yall are wondering about the hair cut. Unfourtnety, and much to my dismay, Gabe caught the lice from someone at church. He is much too friendly i guess. So instead of wrestling with a 1 1/2 yr old to keep him still we just shaved him. I was very sad. But he is still a very handsome boy
She is growing fatter! She has a nice double chin look going for her. She is doing a new thing with her lip. She looks like she is pouting but its just for fun. She can almost sit by herself and she is not far from crawling.
Well, maybe I'll forgive you this once for not posting in almost a month...just kidding! I'll read whenever you blog, as I enjoy your blogs very much.
How much were the outfits? Twenty dollars each or twenty cents each....I couldn't figure out what you meant.
Sorry about the lice thing, poor little guy. Zoe is growing fast! I love her little white diaper cover in the last photo there.
:) They are so cute!! And yeah, Gabe totally pulls off the baldie look. :) I was so proud, I've been pulling Katie into a sitting position for awhile now, but today she sat completely on her own for a couple of minutes! :) (She didn't pull herself up, but when I let go she stayed sitting) they are growing way too fast, huh?
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