I love finding out the meaning of a name. A name is so important. It is something used everyday of your life. It is spoken by people that love you and people you dont even know. It can even be spoken by an enemy. That can be a powerful thing for you if your name means something good. But maybe not so good if you name means something not so good. The bible says that "Death and life are in the power of the tongue" (Prov 18:21). It also talks about speaking positive and how important a spoken word is. Just think all God had to do was speak and the world appeared. Things happen by spoken words.
Thats why I put a lot of thought into my children's names.
Gabriel Evertt Chi -
God's Strong and Anointed ManZoe Christabelle -
Life & Beautiful Christian or Beautiful AnointedEvery time someone calls Gabriel they are speaking that he is
God's Man and when they say Zoe they are speaking
Life. I'm thankful for my children's names. I think they are great. The best translation that I could find of my name is a
strong spirit. Thats positive I believe.
A good website for finding meanings of names is
www.behindthename.com or you could just do a search for baby names.
Looking forward to naming another baby!! If you need anyhelp let me know.