This was last week. Yes the month of december. Gabe had just dirtied his clothes so i took them off and Joel had to do something outside and Gabe followed. Then Zoe wanted to go. So thats why he is naked. BUT it was not at all cold. It was hot. 
Zoe decided not to crawl on her knees. She looked so funny crawling like this. Then she just decided to walk. Yea, I know!!! Shes still a baby she doesnt need to be walking. I fussed her. She took about 7 - 10 steps. She just does in the middle of the yard. Stands up walks a little and gets down. She was doing it even more on the cement. Crazy. I dont want them to grow up so fast!! 

Awww! :) I knew she would be walking soon :) Love you! Go look at my blog :)
ok your kids are all grown up! time to have another one! lol!! I cant wait to see zoe walk at christmas!!
...well she is almost one you know. :)
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